

了解更多立博体育官网学生的最新成就, 成功的校友, 以及我们在文理学院的创新师资

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Kwarteng Benedicta


Benedicta " Benie " Kwarteng ' 23被授予2023年查尔斯B级. Rangel 国际 Affairs Fellowship following a nationwide competition of nearly 900 highly qualified c和idates. 全国只有45人入选.


周二,文理学院举行了颁奖典礼, 3月28日, 以表彰2022-23年度芭芭拉·库克员工赞赏奖的获得者, 杰出教师奖, 和顾问委员会校友奖.



The College of 艺术与科学 is launching two new interdisciplinary majors; a 环境科学学士 对于有兴趣的学生 biology or chemistry who care about finding solutions to environmental problems 和 解决可持续发展问题, 和 a 环境研究文学士 对于有兴趣的学生 制定环境政策, 解决可持续发展问题, 应对环境挑战.



通过数学系提供, the new in-dem和 data science major will build upon the minor in data science that the University began offering in 2019. 数据科学课程提供严格的计算数学训练, 统计方法, 以及数据可视化的最佳实践.   

The program offers a computer science/mathematics track that emphasizes theoretical coding 和 mathematical modeling skills, 以及侧重于应用分析技能的商业课程, 让学生选择最符合他们职业目标的专业. 获得数据科学学位的学生开始数据工程师的职业生涯, 数据分析师, 数据架构师, or business intelligence specialist to help businesses 和 organizations make informed decisions or solve complex problems.  


The BA in Philosophy program has a new concentration in Philosophy 和 Social Justice that draws on courses offered in the minors in Africana studies, 环境研究, 还有性别和性研究. 该课程综合了社会正义的应用和理论框架. Students learn about the causes of inequality 和 injustice as well as how to apply moral 和 political philosophy to these issues.



谢赫•伊斯兰教, 计算机科学助理教授, is one of the key faculty members responsible for starting the new minor in cybersecurity in the College of 艺术与科学 this fall. He joined UHart in fall 2020 和 has notable research in the areas of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), 数据挖掘, 大数据分析, 和网络安全.

He says the importance of cybersecurity is on the rise as businesses 和 organizations need to protect the security of their hardware, 软件, data, 和网络. "Cybersecurity is a growing field with very strong job dem和s as we are more reliant on technology 和 cybercriminals are getting smarter as technology evolves,他说. "Companies 和 governments around the world are investing a lot to enhance cyberinfrastructure 和 the workforce. UHart is well-positioned to house Cybersecurity programs as it is situated in the insurance capital of the country, 和 the insurance industry is one of the major victims of security risks like data breaches 和 insurance fraud."

This spring Islam will work with students to demonstrate how to build 和 use a Raspberry PI cluster, 哪一组是小型的单板计算机, 破解密码密钥



Morgan Hoadley '22毕业前就被录用了 

摩根·霍德利,22岁 is headed to Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health in Washington, 康涅狄格, 作为一名直接支持专业人员,在获得学位后 刑事司法 文理学院毕业的.

Camryn Butera, 22岁
Camryn Butera, 22岁


Biology major Camryn Butera, 22岁 has been a member of Associate Professor of Biology Paola Sacchetti’s Alzheimer’s Disease research team since her sophomore year. Camryn says becoming a physician is her life-long goal 和 that Sacchetti has had a profound impact on her.   


摄政奖获得者Daniel Baqaeen '22开始软件工程师职位 

丹尼尔·巴奎恩22岁 has accepted a 软件 engineer position with Optum which will allow him to work remotely. 丹尼尔计划先周游全国,然后再决定住在哪里. A 计算机科学与工程 主修数据科学和数学,辅修, Daniel is a recipient of the 2022 Senior Regents Honors Award which recognizes high-performing students.




玛德琳·布林德曼21岁 is heading to the University of Saint Joseph in August to pursue a Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Madeline graduated 文理学院毕业的 with a bachelor’s degree in psychology in December.



康涅狄格 students who participated in Fox 61’s student news program received honors 和 awards in a recent ceremony at the 立博体育官网. Fox 61多年来一直在UHart校园举办学生立博网站中文版奖颁奖典礼, 但2022年是新的, is that middle 和 high school students who won in the eight categories each earned $5,000 scholarships to pursue their educational goals if they are accepted to 和 attend the College of Arts & 科学. Watch Director of the School of Communication 杰克的银行 explain the new scholarships 和 why participating in the student news program helps prepare students for their future.


Yavana Ganesh '20土地梦想工作. 阅读更多

奥拉莱耶接待约翰·G. 李奖. 阅读更多. 

Assistant Professor of Communication Adam Chiara's TV interview about advances in technology that make it difficult to spot fake social media videos appears nationwide. 点击这里观看故事

Associate 凯瑟琳·欧文斯教授 elected to serve as president-elect of the Association for Environmental Studies 和 科学 (AESS) Board, 阅读更多.

Assistant Professor Abe Hefter has found a way to create an on-air studio with a virtual master control room "virtually." 阅读更多

电影学院学生举办在线电影节,“孤立的电影”." 了解更多

生物系和化学系捐赠个人防护装备. 阅读更多.

记者包厢内:UHart的动手体育节拍课程. 阅读更多.

历史校友应用研究和分析技能纽曼自己的奖学金. 阅读更多

波拿巴三胞胎准备好了他们的未来. 阅读更多

从实验室到手术室,暑期经历会带来理想的职业选择. 阅读更多

Assistant Professor Adam Chiara's Op-ed Looks at How Changes at 脸谱网 Can Impact Business. 阅读更多

凯瑟琳·欧文斯副教授被任命为州长M主任. Jodi Rell公共服务中心. 阅读更多

电影和数字媒体与立博网站中文版系学生拍摄国际纪录片. 阅读更多

数据科学新辅修课程. 阅读更多

Professors 和 Students are Researching the Role of Recovery Residences in the Opioid Problem in Northwest 康涅狄格. 阅读更多.



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