
The following By-Laws were approved by the 立博体育官网 Emeriti Association membership on May 22, 2014


The name of the organization shall be "The 立博体育官网 Emeriti Association".

The roles of the Association shall be (a) to provide a continuing social outlet for the membership, (b) to assist the University in achieving its academic and professional goals by utilizing the individual expertise of members to the best advantage of the institution, 特别是在要求会员提供帮助的领域, and (c) to advocate the support of the University in assisting the membership to continue professional, 教育, 以及学术活动.

  1. Any faculty member or administrator awarded emeritus status by the University shall be invited by the Emeriti Association to become a member of the Association.
  2. Others may be nominated by a current member of the Association to become members. 此类提名应由执行委员会审查. Those who are recommended for membership by the Executive Committee shall be submitted for consideration to the membership at a regular meeting. A two-thirds majority vote of those present is required for approval. Individuals elected under this section shall have retired from the University and have made important contributions to the University for no fewer than ten years
  1. The officers of the Association shall be a Chairperson (Chairman, 主席, 或椅子, (如果办公室里的人喜欢不同的头衔), 副主席(或与后一职位相同的其他头衔), 录音秘书, a Treasurer and no fewer than eight (8) additional persons who will form the “Executive Committee.
  2. 选举将在秋季会议上进行. Officers shall serve for one year, taking office at the conclusion of the fall semester meeting.
  3. The Executive Secretary of the Association shall be appointed by the President of the University. He/she shall also serve as Treasurer of the Association unless the membership shall elect a Treasurer as provided in Section IV.2.
  1. The officers shall be responsible for the control and management of the affairs, 财产, 和协会的利益.
  2. The Chairperson shall prepare the agenda and preside over all meetings, with the Assistant Chairperson as back-up in the event of the chairperson's absence or incapacity.
  3. The Secretary shall record the actions of the Executive Committee and the full membership whenever it meets, 并保持最新的会员名册. The Treasurer shall report the financial condition of the Association at meetings of the Executive Committee.
  4. Executive Committee vacancies may be filled at the discretion of the Committee.
  5. Upon relinquishing office, an officer shall surrender all records to his or her successor.

The entire group of emeriti shall normally meet once during the fall semester and once during the spring semester. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Modest annual dues shall be paid by the membership to cover operating expenses.

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of those present at a regular meeting of the full membership.



  1. Excerpts from the 1996-97 教师 Policy Manual regarding Emeritus Status:

11款.2退休状态 . . . . . . An appointment to emeritus status carries with it the right to continued use of all University facilities, 包括图书馆, 校园商店, 如果有办公空间的话, 以及参加大学正式活动的权利.

13款.8 .学费减免-全职教职员工, 具有退休资格者, and retired full-time faculty members with at least ten or more years of service at the 立博体育官网, 他们的配偶, and their dependent children have the privilege of attending college-level courses offered at the University in any session without payment of tuition, 只要他们符合入学要求. The term "spouse" is defined as husband or wife of a full-time faculty member having the same domicile as that faculty member; the term "dependent child" is defined as one meeting the U.S. 内部收入支持测验.

学费减免的特权不适用于申请, 登记, 实验室, 毕业或学生活动费, 也不接受私人音乐指导, 美术, 舞蹈或类似活动.

  1. Parking - The campus 公共安全 Department will provide a free parking tag entitling the emeritus faculty member or administrator the privilege of parking in any unrestricted campus parking area.

  2. Identification Card - The 注册商 will provide an "Emeritus" photo identification card entitling the emeritus faculty member or administrator access to University facilities as described in paragraph 11.学院政策手册第2条.

Excerpted from the 2014-15 立博体育官网 教师 Policy Manual


Emeritus status may be conferred by the Board of Regents of the University in recognition of outstanding service over a period of years. It is not automatically assigned to a faculty member upon retirement regardless of length of service.

正常情况下, the emeritus status will be awarded only to those who have held the rank of associate professor or higher and who have held tenure.

Persons about to retire may be recommended for emeritus status by their department chair, 教务长, 教务长, 或者是一群同事. A recommendation for emeritus status will be reviewed and endorsed in the same manner as tenure and promotion recommendations. An appointment to emeritus status carries with it the right to continued use of all University facilities including library, 校园商店, 如果有办公空间的话, 以及参加大学正式活动的权利.