
Short-Term 教师-Led Programs

Explore new cultures and gain useful skills to succeed in today’s global society with one of our many short-term faculty-led programs over winter term, 春假, and during the summer.

From discovering sustainability innovations in Europe, to visiting international businesses in Australia, to examining educational trends worldwide, you will earn credits toward graduation while gaining an unforgettable experience.

Interested in learning more about the short-term programs available to you? Please visit our new program and online application site 国外的教育, create your free account, and explore our short-term faculty-led programs.

The 国际 Center is offering short-term programs including the Global Hawks study abroad programs for first- and second-year students. Please check back for updates and details on our upcoming programs.

Your Short-Term 出国留学 Opportunities

This spring course with 春假 travel component explores organizations in northern Spain addressing the need for sustainable business operations. We will study the social, 环境, and economic outcomes of worker-owned and conventionally-governed organizations in northern Spain.  A focal point is the Mondragon cooperatives. The sustainable operations of other businesses and a local government in the region, and regional culture are also addressed. The course includes 3 pre-travel classes, Spain travel, and one class afterward. This 3-credit course is most suitable for upperclassmen or graduate students and can be taken as IB 310 or IB 610, 或uss 165.  点击这里 to view the program page and start your application.   

The University of Hartford is offering all first- and second-year students the opportunity to spend 7 – 10 days in May abroad in one of four locations:

  • Iceland/Prague (TBD, within the dates of May 9-26, 2024)
  • Rabat, Morocco (TBD, within the dates of May 9-26, 2024)
  • Rome, Italy (TBD, within the dates of May 9-26, 2024)
  • Seville, Spain (TBD, within the dates of May 9-26, 2024)

This is a great opportunity to spend your break immersing yourself in another culture!

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Latin American 电影 with our nine-day study abroad program in Buenos Aires, 阿根廷. This unique and enriching experience offers students and film enthusiasts the opportunity to delve into the rich 电影tic traditions of Latin America while exploring the cultural and historical context of Buenos Aires and the surrounding areas. This three-credit class will travel to 阿根廷 over Spring Break, providing an immersive experience of museums, 电影, culture and beauty in one of the world's most vibrant cities. The UISA-D class also counts towards degree requirements in Cinema, 通信, and Digital Media & 立博网站中文版.

The Italy study abroad trip was amazing and I would highly recommend other students take the opportunity to apply if they can because this was an awesome experience to have. As an art student, I was in awe the whole time I was there and was able to see art from my classes or have learned about it in person.

Aaliyah Willets, Illustration, Global Hawks 2023

Ready to explore the world?