

The University of Hartford chapter of 美国大学 formed in 2014.

The purposes of this chapter are to:

1. 支持协会章程第一条所规定的协会政策和目标, 在所有事项上均遵守国家协会及其章程的原则和程序;

2. 促进高校教师和研究学者的合作, and in professional schools of similar grade, for the promotion of the interests of higher education and research, and in general to increase the usefulness and advance the standards, 理想, and welfare of the profession.

3. Defend academic freedom at University of Hartford and throughout academe;

4. Encourage faculty participation in governance at University of Hartford;

5. Protect and advance the professional status and interests of all faculty;

6. 促进传播有关高等教育原则和做法的资料;

7. Inform the academic community about 美国大学 standards and policy statements; and

8. 制定必要和适当的分会计划以达到上述目的.

In furtherance of the purposes described above, but not in limitation thereof, the chapter shall have power to conduct studies; to disseminate statistics and other information; to engage in appropriate fundraising activities; to conduct promotional activities, including advertising and publicity, in or by any suitable manner of media; to hold such property as is necessary to accomplish its purposes; and to employ individuals to further its purposes under Article II. This chapter is organized and operated for the above stated purposes, and for other nonprofit purposes. No part of its assets, 收入, or profits shall be distributable to, or inure to the benefit of, 任何个人, except in consideration of services rendered.
本章的会员资格适用于立博体育官网所有现任和退休的教师和研究生,他们是美国大学教授协会的国家成员, except for associate members. All chapter members may vote in chapter matters.
本组织的主管人员为会长、副会长、秘书和司库. The term of office shall be two years. Officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms. [The 美国大学 constitution requires that the chapter elect, from its active members, 至少两年一次, 一个总统, 一个秘书, and a treasurer (or secretary-treasurer), and such other officers as the chapter may determine.]

会长:会长的职责包括执行分会的政策, appointing all committees of the chapter, exercising general supervision over the activities of the chapter, and presiding at meetings of the chapter and executive committee. The president shall be a member ex officio of all committees.

副总统:副总统的职责包括通常属于总统办公室的职责和总统委托的职责. 主席不在时,由副主席代理主席职务.

秘书:秘书的职责包括记录分会的所有会议和信函, certifying chapter delegates to the Association's annual meeting, 准备或监督通讯的准备工作,以便在需要时分发给教员, maintaining official contact with the Association. 秘书有责任向协会司库秘书提供分会人员的姓名和分会章程,并负责分会与司库秘书的通信. In the absence of the president and 副总统, the secretary shall preside at meetings of the chapter.

司库:司库应准确记录所有资金的收付情况. At the request of the executive committee, the treasurer shall prepare an annual chapter budget and report of finances, and submit them for approval. 财务主管有责任将代表协会和/或会议收取的任何会费汇给协会和/或适用的州会议. In the absence of the president, 副总统, 和秘书, the treasurer shall preside at meetings of the chapter.

When an officer has resigned or is disqualified, the office shall be filled by a special election of the chapter, which shall be held as promptly as is feasible. 执行委员会有权填补任何选举职位的空缺,直至举行特别选举. The person so elected shall hold office for the remainder of the term.
The chapter may establish chapter dues. 任何分会会费将由有投票权的分会成员以无记名投票方式确定. The vote may be conducted either by mail ballot or, after reasonable notice, at a regular or special membership meeting. 分会成员必须支付当前的美国大学会费,任何强制性会议会费和分会会费. The chapter dues will be $10 per year.
A. 执行委员会

执行委员会由分会选出的干事组成, the immediate past president, and two members elected at large. 执行委员会的多数成员构成委员会进行事务的法定人数. 执行委员会应负责该分会在该机构的持续有效存在, keeping all positions on the executive committee filled as vacancies occur. The executive committee shall:

1. 定期会面;

2. Respond to faculty members seeking assistance;

3. Conduct the business of the chapter between meetings;

4. Regularly recruit members and encourage maintenance of membership;

5. Make necessary appointments to complete an unexpired term of any officer;

6. Set the agenda with appropriate notice for chapter meetings;

7. Consult regularly with the administration on matters of mutual interest; and

8. Respond to inquiries from the media.

B. 会员资格委员会

会员委员会应定期招收新会员,并鼓励保持会员资格. Working with the treasurer and other applicable chapter officers, 委员会应推动设立会费扣减计划及其他适当计划,以鼓励会员招募及维持.

C. 其他委员会

本分会可视需要增设常设委员会和特设委员会,以促进本分会的福利. 这些委员会的主席和成员由执行委员会任命. Some such committees may be, but are not limited to:

   Academic freedom and tenure
   Status of women and minorities
   认证 of colleges and universities
   Elections, dues, and chapter organization
   Relationships with local, state, and federal governments
   教师 participation in college and university governance
   Economic status of the profession
The chapter shall hold regular meetings at least twice each academic year.

分会的特别会议可由会长或执行委员会的多数成员召集. 这种会议的书面通知应由分会秘书在会议日期前至少五天提供给每位会员. 在执行委员会或百分之十的会员签署请愿书的指示下,会长应在七天内召集分会的特别会议.

Upon dissolution of the chapter, its assets shall be distributed to the Association, a charitable and educational organization.
These bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the members, 但应在表决前至少三十天向每一成员发出通知,载明提议的修正案、修正案的解释和已知的反对意见. Any member of the chapter may initiate an amendment.


Enacted this 18th day of April in the year 2014.